Since centuries,
for millions of followers of the teachings of the Buddha, Bihar
and Buddhacārikā are synonymous, for
it was here that the Buddha started his spiritual journey and it was here that
his Journey of Enlightenment took its fruition and he became the Buddha. Rājā Ashoka in 2nd century BC inspired
by the teachings of the Buddha made Dhamma
the basis of rule and governance. Ashoka defined the main principles of Dhamma (dharma) as non-violence, tolerance of all sects and opinions, obedience
to parents, respect for the virtuous, religious teachers and priests,
liberality towards friends, humane treatment of servants, and generosity
towards all.

Literary sources
and excavation suggests that for more than 1700 years Bihar
had many flourishing monasteries. The local community and monasteries
co-existed for mutual compliment. The community supported the monks practising
in various monasteries with day to day requirements and the community were
benefited by the Dhamma-guidance and Dhamma-Ambience and this was broadly the
same Dhamma-rajya conceived by Rājā Ashoka who ruled vast Indian
subcontinent from Patliputra.
Chief Guests on the podium |
In 14th Century this Vihāra apparently seems to be coming to its ebb. The process of rediscovering the roots of this long buried culture within the layers of mounds started in the early 19th century by a group of explorers. Thanks to these explorations and excavations over the last two centuries, we are now aware of our glorious legacy.
Read more: Engaged Buddhism-2011 Workshop
Bihar is now
waking up to its past and is retracing its footsteps in this journey through Bihar to Vihāra.
In today’s perspective to contribute to the Renaissance taking place in Bihar,
Nava Nalanda Mahavihara Sanskritik Gram (NNMSG) an arm of Nava Nalanda Mahavihara (deemed university), Nalanda has conceived “Engaged Buddhism”, a platform for stakeholders of this
glorious legacy to come together and collectively conceive, design and build
this journey through Bihar to Vihāra.
The primary
element for this revival process is the vast tangible and intangible remains of
the ancient Vihāra that needs to be
protected and preserved. These ancient remains spread across the villages of Bihar are part of Buddhacārikā
and are very sacred to devouts of the teachings of the Buddha. Present day Bihar is a Live-Museum; these sacred traces of ancient
cultural movement may serve as a livelihood opportunity if properly presented
to the world. The basic building block of this for us is to recreate this
ancient tradition of Vihāra-Community
interface through generating sustainable livelihood from this vast heritage
bestowed upon us.
Dr. R Panth, Director, Nava Nalanda Mahavihara, Nalanda making welcome address |
Chief Guest Shri Nanjzey Dorjee (IAS), Member Secretary, BTMC making his speech |
Dr. Lama, making the Vote of Thanks |
1 comment:
I am incapable of reading articles online very often, but I’m happy I did today. It is very well written, and your points are well-expressed. I request you warmly, please, don’t ever stop writing.
Read More:-
Satta King
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