Saturday, March 19, 2011

Mahā Kassapa Ārāma (Park) Announced

Times of India reports- Mahā Kassapa Ārāma (Park) Announced

Read More- Maha Kassapa and the Buddha, the exchange of robes

Read More- Rediscovery of the Maha Kassapa Sculpture

Read more- Identification of land for the Park

The local community ready to welcome the guests
Getting the venue ready
Enthusiastic children preparing the venue
Dr Panth, Ven. Vithun Putni, and Yves by the Maha Kassapa Sculpture
School children singing the Welcome Song
Venerable Bhhiku Sangha reciting Mangal Path
Ven. Dhamma Jyoti, Dr. Panth, District Magistrate (DM)
and District official, Shri Vijay Singh with the Rediscovered Sculpture
Dr. Panth's speech at the event
The community of Silao
Ven. Pannyilinkara giving a blessing for the proposed park
Ven. Vithun Putani giving a blessing for the Mahā Kassapa Ārāma
District Magistrate, Shri Sanjay Agarwal, announcing the park
The basic layout of the proposed Mahā Kassapa Ārāma
Shri NagendraJi (Nepura), the DM, and Shri Vijay Singh at the park venue

1 comment:

Unknown said...

नोटबंदी के बाद अब बेनामी संपत्ति पर हमला बोलें PM : नीतीश कुमार